Restorative & Cosmetic Tattooing, Microchanneling

Lysa Marie INK specializes in advanced, realistic, 3D nipple areola tattoos for breast cancer, breast reconstruction, breast reduction and breast lift surgery patients.

Provides restorative paramedical and cosmetic tattoo services on breasts, belly buttons, fingers, toes, stretch marks, scars and more.

Provides Procell Microchanneling services to generate new healthy skin.

Lips, eyes and eyebrow permanent makeup services are provided for those wanting to enhance their natural beauty or restore pigmentation due to aging, health or medical conditions.

Lysa Hannigan is a Certified Nipple Tattoo Artist, a Nipple Tattoo Specialist, Certified Belly Button Tattoo Artist, Certified Scar Camouflage Tattoo Artist, Certified Syndactyly Tattoo Artist, Certified Procell Microchanneling Practitioner, Certified in Inkless Stretch Mark Revision, an AAM Board Certified Permanent Makeup Artist and the Owner of Lysa Marie INK

Restorative Tattoo Specialist

Certified Restorative Tattooist             

Board Certified

AAM Gold Board Certified Artist          

Licensed & Insured

NJ registered, licensed and insured business

Clean & Safe Environment

Strict adherence to CDC and OSHA cleaning and sterilization standards. OSHA BBP Certified

Highest Quality Equipment

Highest quality equipment, pigments and supplies used. Vegan & Cruelty free pigments

Private & Secure

Beautiful, serene, private office studio. Your comfort, health and well-being are top priority

HIPAA Awareness for Healthcare Providers Certified
AAM Board Certified Permanent Makeup Artist Gold Member
American Academy of Micropigmentation

Your FREE Consultation

Private one-on-one meeting typically about 30 minutes

All About You

We will discuss your individual needs and desired result

Q & A

I will answer any questions you have during this time

Sample Work

We will look at sample work and before | after photos

Insurance Reimbursement

We will discuss how it works and tips to help with reimbursement

Care & Healing

We will review pre-care, day-of-care and post-care

Next Steps

I will review what to expect and your next steps


Nipple Areola Tattoos

Restorative 3D Nipple Areola Tattoos are a medical tattoo procedure. The advanced artistic technique used combines choosing the right mix of pigments, shading, highlighting, shadowing and detail work, giving your tattoo a realistic, three dimensional appearance.

Your healed result will be beautiful, soft and realistic.

Requires a complimentary online consultation and 2 tattoo appointments to achieve the best results.

Beneficial for:

  • Those touched by breast cancer after mastectomy
  • Loss of pigment and/or scars from breast lift or breast reduction surgery
  • Irregular or fading areolas
  • Areola enlargement
  • Areola reduction
  • FTM surgery
  • And more

For Those Touched By Breast Cancer
Medical Nipple Areola Tattoos may be reimbursable by your health insurance

Belly Buttons

Restorative Belly Button Tattoos

Restorative Belly Button Tattoos are a medical tattoo procedure. The advanced artistic technique used combines choosing the right mix of pigments, shading, highlighting, shadowing and detail work, giving your tattoo a realistic, three dimensional appearance.

Your healed result will be beautiful, soft and realistic.

Requires a complimentary online consultation and 2 tattoo appointments to achieve the best results.

Beneficial for those without a belly button or who lost their belly button due to:

  • Mommy makeover surgery
  • Tummy tuck surgery
  • Weight loss surgery
  • Hernia repair surgery
  • Abdominal surgery
  • And more

Procell Microchanneling

Microchanneling is a noninvasive procedure designed to stimulate your body’s own natural ability to generate the building blocks of healthy skin. By stimulating the outermost layers of the skin, microchanneling can help your body start this process with minimal damage to skin.

Microchanneling is an advanced form of microneedling, which is the fastest growing treatment in aesthetic skincare.

Stretch Marks and Scars

Inkless Stretch Mark Revision and Scar Revision

Inkless Stretch Mark Revision and Scar Revision can significantly improve the appearance of stretch marks and scars by stimulating the skin with very fine needles and using a special serum, encouraging natural skin rejuvenation.

The purpose of this treatment is to generate the building blocks of healthy skin for smoother, firmer, more toned skin.

Your healed result is up to an 80% improvement in the appearance of stretch marks and scars.

Requires a complimentary online consultation and multiple visits 4-6 weeks apart for best results

  • Suitable for all ages and skin types, even suntanned skin
  • Ideal for anywhere on body
  • Improves look, tone and texture
  • No lasers (no burns like with laser treatment)
  • Multiple visits required, Up to 5 sessions, 4-6 weeks apart
  • Once healed, stretch marks and scars less visible
  • Up to 80% improvement in appearance


Scar Camouflage

Scar Camouflage is a medical tattoo procedure. The advanced artistic technique used combines choosing the right mix of skin tone pigments and softly blending them to conceal and restore the original appearance of the lost skin tone.

Your healed result is concealment of skin imperfections and restoration of lost skin tone.

Requires a complimentary online consultation and 2 tattoo appointments to achieve the best results..

Beneficial for those with:

  • Stretch Marks
  • Vitiligo
  • Surgical scars
  • Injury scars
  • Self Harm scars
  • Burn scars
  • Accident scars
  • And more

Fingers and Toes

Restorative Syndactyly Tattoos

Syndactyly is the medical term for webbed or conjoined fingers or toes.

Restorative Syndactyly Tattoos are a medical tattoo procedure. The advanced artistic technique used combines choosing the right mix of pigments, shading, highlighting, shadowing and detail work, giving your tattoo a realistic, dimensional appearance.

Your healed result will be beautiful, soft and realistic.

Requires a complimentary online consultation and 2 tattoo appointments to achieve the best results..

Beneficial for those:

  • With joined fingers or webbed fingers
  • With joined toes or webbed toes
  • Who had surgery and are unsatisfied with the result
  • Who experienced scar tissue growth in the space between the finger or toes after surgery

Tattoo Removal

Non Laser Tattoo Removal

Non laser tattoo removal uses LI-FT Pigment Lightening Solution which is tattooed into skin. Li-FT is a saline based, natural, hypertonic solution.

As healing occurs, the pigment is pulled and lifted up and out of the skin. Your tattoo will lighten/change after each visit.

Requires a complimentary online consultation and multiple visits 8 weeks apart for best results

  • Ideal for small tattoos, permanent make up, most skin types
  • Works on all ink colors
  • Removes pigment from body
  • Uses body natural healing process
  • No lasers, chemicals, acids
  • Multiple visits required


Lip tattoos are a permanent makeup procedure and are considered a semi permanent tattoo. Different techniques are used to achieve your desired look and are created using a cosmetic tattoo machine.

All lip tattoos require a consultation, the initial procedure appointment and the touch up, also known as your perfecting visit. Yearly touch ups are recommended to keep your lips looking their best. The lip services offered are ideal for most ages and skin types.

Your healed result is effortless, beautiful lips!

Lip Blushing

Lip blushing uses a unique shading and pixelating technique giving healed lips a beautiful natural tint and enhances the beauty of your natural lip color.

  • Improves the shape of the lips
  • Gives lips definition
  • Adds the illusion of fullness
  • Once healed, delivers very natural result

*Prices do not include NJ sales tax

Lip Blushing - Touch Up

  • A touch up visit, also known as your perfecting visit is required. During this appointment we make any necessary modifications such as filling in any light or uneven spots. Ideally your touch up is scheduled 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure. Yearly touch ups are suggested to keep your lips looking their best!

*Prices do not include NJ sales tax

Lip Liner and Shading

This technique makes the lip line more pronounced while using a shading technique to blend the pigment from the lip line into the lip.

  • Helps lips look fuller
  • Helps lips look more symmetrical
  • Helps lips look better defined
  • Once healed, lips will be more pigmented

*Prices do not include NJ sales tax

Lip Liner and Shading - Touch Up

  • A touch up visit, also known as your perfecting visit is required. During this appointment we make any necessary modifications such as filling in any light or uneven spots. Ideally your touch up is scheduled 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure. Yearly touch ups are suggested to keep your lips looking their best!

*Prices do not include NJ sales tax


Eyeliner tattoos are a permanent makeup procedure and are considered a semi permanent tattoo. Different techniques are used to achieve your desired look and are created using a cosmetic tattoo machine.

All eyeliner tattoos require a consultation, the initial procedure appointment and the touch up, also known as your perfecting visit. Yearly touch ups are recommended to keep your eyeliner looking it's best. The eyeliner services offered are ideal for most ages and skin types.

Your healed result is effortless, beautiful eyes!


Permanent eyeliner involves using a tattooing technique to apply ink along the lashline to create the appearance of eyeliner.

  • Great for those with sparse lashes
  • Great for those with hair loss
  • Great for those with alopecia
  • Enhances your eye shape

*Prices do not include NJ sales tax

Eyeliner Touch Up

  • A touch up visit, also known as your perfecting visit is required. During this appointment we make any necessary modifications such as filling in any gaps or adding more color. Ideally your touch up is scheduled 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure. Yearly touch ups are suggested to keep your eyeliner looking its best!

*Prices do not include NJ sales tax

Eyeliner Lash Enhancement

An eyeliner lash enhancement involves tattooing a thin line inside the eyelash line, creating a fuller, darker lash line.

  • Natural, eye-opening effect
  • Great option if you aren't ready to commit to a full eyeliner procedure
  • Similar to permanent eyeliner but with a more natural finish
  • Gives the illusion of fuller lashes

*Prices do not include NJ sales tax

Eyeliner Lash Enhancement Touch Up

  • A touch up visit, also known as your perfecting visit is required. During this appointment we make any necessary modifications such as filling in any gaps or adding more color. Ideally your touch up is scheduled 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure. Yearly touch ups are suggested to keep your eyeliner looking its best!

*Prices do not include NJ sales tax


Eyebrow tattoos are a permanent makeup procedure and are considered a semi permanent tattoo. Different techniques are used to achieve your desired look and are created using a cosmetic tattoo machine.

All eyebrow tattoos require a consultation, the initial procedure appointment and the touch up, also known as your perfecting visit. Yearly touch ups are recommended to keep your brows looking their best. The eyebrow services offered are ideal for most ages and skin types.

Your healed result is effortless, beautiful brows!

Digital Blading

Digital blading is used to create hairlike strokes resulting in naturally beautiful brows.

  • Fill in sparse or thinning brows.
  • Add volume and color
  • Gentle on the skin
  • No age limits
  • Suitable for all skin types

Schedule Your FREE Consultation!

Start Now

*Prices do not include NJ sales tax

Digital Blading - Touch Up

  • A touch up visit, also known as your perfecting visit is required. During this appointment we make any necessary modifications such as additional hair strokes or deeper shading. Ideally your touch up is scheduled 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure. Yearly touch ups are suggested to keep your brows looking their best!

*Prices do not include NJ sales tax

Powder Brows

Powder brows are also known as ombre brows. They are created using a pixelating technique, which fills the brows with a soft, powdery and natural look.

  • Add volume and color
  • Gentle on the skin
  • No age limits
  • Suitable for all skin types

Schedule Your FREE Consultation!

Start Now

*Prices do not include NJ sales tax

Powder Brows - Touch Up

  • A touch up visit, also known as your perfecting visit is required. During this appointment we make any necessary modifications such as additional hair strokes or deeper shading. Ideally your touch up is scheduled 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure. Yearly touch ups are suggested to keep your brows looking their best!

*Prices do not include NJ sales tax

Combo Brows

Combo brows, also known as blade and shade, combines the digital blading and shading techniques.

  • Fill in sparse or thinning brows
  • Add volume and color
  • Gentle on the skin
  • No age limits
  • Suitable for all skin types

Schedule Your FREE Consultation!

Start Now

*Prices do not include NJ sales tax

Combo Brows - Touch Up

  • A touch up visit, also known as your perfecting visit is required. During this appointment we make any necessary modifications such as additional hair strokes or deeper shading. Ideally your touch up is scheduled 6-8 weeks after your initial procedure. Yearly touch ups are suggested to keep your brows looking their best!

*Prices do not include NJ sales tax

Financing Payment Options

We are now offering payment plans with

Lysa Marie INK, Certified Advanced 3D Nipple Areola Tattoo Specialist accepts Cherry payments
Buy Now. Pay Monthly.

Just submit a quick application to see what balance you're qualified for. The application takes less than a minute.
Use Cherry to pay for a single procedure -OR- finance multiple procedures at once.
We submit your procedure cost to Cherry, then you choose the payment plan that works best for you.

Pre-Qualify with Cherry Now

  • What is Cherry?
    Cherry is an alternative payment method for individuals that want the flexibility of enjoying a product/service now but who want/need to pay over time. Cherry is designed for your health, beauty and wellness needs and allows you to make convenient monthly payments.

  • How does Cherry work?
    Cherry performs a soft credit check, which does not hurt your credit score, to determine approval amounts and contract type, as well as to verify applicant identity. Cherry may ask for additional information from some borrowers in order to determine approval amounts.

  • Requirements
    1. You must be at least 18 years of age
    2. You must have a valid U.S. State drivers license
    3. You must have a valid bank issued debit card
    4. You must have a working mobile device and phone number that is able to connect to the internet

Lysa Marie INK, Certified Advanced 3D Nipple Areola Tattoo Specialist

Cherry is a leading patient buy now, pay later option and is used in thousands of medical practices across the country. Cherry approves more patients than other payment plan providers!

3 Reasons Why Patients Love Cherry
1. Cherry qualifies clients for up to $10,000.00
2. There is no hard credit check
3. Cherry offers zero percent financing options*

*0% promo APR is subject to approval. Regular APR 9.99% – 35.99%. Down payment may be required.


Lysa Hannigan Founder and Artist of Lysa Marie INK, AAM Board Certifed PMU Artist and Certified Advanced 3D Nipple Areola Tattooist

Lysa Hannigan

Founder and Artist

  • Syndactyly Tattooing Certified
  • Scar Camouflage Tattooing Certified
  • Procell Microchanneling Certified
  • 3D Belly Button Tattooing Certified
  • Inkless Stretch Mark Revision Certified
  • HIPAA Awareness for Healthcare Providers Certified
  • HIPAA Security Certified
  • Sauler Institute Advanced 3D Nipple Areola Tattooing Certified
  • AAM Gold Certfied PMU Artist
  • Barbicide Covid 19 Certified
  • OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Certified

My name is Lysa Hannigan, Founder and Artist of Lysa Marie INK. I’m a paramedical and cosmetic tattooist specializing in 3D nipple and areola tattoos. I realized my passion for this work while someone close to me was going through breast reconstruction after undergoing a full mastectomy from breast cancer.

Providing this service to clients and witnessing their beautiful transformation is extremely rewarding and fulfilling. I am inspired everyday by the brave, strong people I meet, the trust they put in me and I'm eternally grateful to be a part of their healing journey.

  • Lysa Hannigan HIPAA Awareness for Healthcare Providers Certified
  • Lysa Hannigan AAM Board Certified Permanent Makeup Artist Gold Member
  • "My experience was awesome. Lisa's ability, compassion and concern is exactly what I had been looking for. She is very knowledgeable to my needs as well as insurances and provided all information and documents needed. I am so pleased with the outcome and would highly recommend those who are in need of her services. Thank you Lisa."


  • "Lysa is very professional and just an awesome person overall. She goes beyond her expertise to assure her customers are 110% satisfied with the outcome of their procedure. I feel fortunate and blessed to have met her. 😀"


  • "What an amazing artist and healer. Genuinely cares and gives time and consideration to each client. Cannot say enough good things!"


  • "I had the pleasure of having the Procell therapy done. Lysa was so sweet and professional and explained the whole process throughout the treatment to make me feel comfortable! My skin looked incredible and I can’t wait to go back for another treatment. 10/10 recommend!"


  • "I have been living with vitiligo for years. After my first treatment, I was a little concerned that my skin color would not match the newly tattooed area and standout just as my vitiligo does. But I was really impressed how everything was so blended and matched. Parts of my vitiligo look like it was not even there before and I am so happy with the outcome. Anyone who has vitiligo should seriously consider taking the first step and schedule an appointment with Lysa. Thank you Lysa."


  • "I can’t stop looking at them, and showing them to my husband and daughter! You have no idea the self esteem you gave back to me. Thank you girlfriend!"


  • "Lysa, I wanted to thank you for making one of your clients so so happy. I just saw her for the first time and she was in tears talking about how grateful she was and how she had no idea the positive impact it would have on her self esteem and confidence. She said she walks around looking at them in awe of how amazing they look. So thank you Lysa. You changed her life!"


  • "I'm happy to report that for the first time in a long time, my eyes went to my beautiful areolas and not my scars. Thank you so much!"


  • "I’m so happy I choose you!"


  • "I was referred to Lysa Marie Ink by a friend who I told that I've had stretch marks since I was 12 years old that I am SO insecure about 18 years later. I never heard about inkless stretch mark revision (ISR) before and I've never had a tattoo so I was extremely nervous to try it.

    Lysa was so honest and caring while explaining every step of the process. I have darker skin and to make sure I wasn't prone to hyperpigmentation, Lysa suggested we start with patch test. I was shocked because the needling literally feels like a cat is licking your skin! More importantly 5 days later the indented streaks of my stretch mark were completely GONE.

    I've spent hundreds of dollars & years trying different prescription creams recommended to me by my dermatologist. Now I actually look forward to my follow-up appts with Lysa knowing there isn't an ounce of pain and that the ISR works so well."


  • " Lysa, I just wanted to tell you how happy I am with the results from my stretch mark treatment. I'm absolutely amazed at the difference and I've only had 1 session so far!"


  • "I had a great experience at Lysa Marie INK. The office is very clean and comfortable. She did a great job with my lip blushing and touch up. Ive also had 2 tattoo removal sessions with her. She makes the process comfortable as possible and I love my results so far!"

    -Julia S.

  • "My lip blushing experience with Lysa was excellent. I felt like she really understood my vision and brought it to life. The lip shape she did was very precise and matched my natural shape perfectly. Her office is so cute and clean and made me feel very comfortable. I am already so excited to go back for my touch up! "

    - Julia

  • "Lysa Hannigan does amazing work. She was gentle while coloring in my new eyebrows and she took so much time with me to get my color just perfect. I can’t wait to go to get my retouch! Anyone who is looking to get their eyebrows done need not look any further! "

    -Robin D.

  • "Lysa was wonderful! I had my eyebrows, lips and lash line done by her and I am so happy with the job she did. She has such a gentle way about her that although I was apprehensive at first, she put me totally at ease. My girlfriends are amazed at my new look and so am I! "

    -Dee H.

  • "I was fortunate to have Lysa perform my lash liner tattoo. Lysa’s skills and knowledge were clearly demonstrated during our conversation which led me to relax through the procedure. My lashes appear so much thicker with the tattoo. I am thrilled every morning that I don’t have to apply liquid liner to my lids and hope that the makeup doesn’t bleed or smudge. - I highly recommend Lysa for your Semi Permanent makeup tattoo work. "

    -Victoria B.

  • "I hated my eyebrows. I was nervous because I had never done anything like this before. And yet, I was excited. Lysa made me feel at ease. The procedure wasn't bad at all. And I love, love, love my new eyebrows. Thank you Lysa!"

    -Josie C.


Located in MedCoShare Suites at the South Tower Entrance of 5 Greentree Center, on Rt. 73 North in Marlton NJ.

Lysa Marie INK
South Tower
Five Greentree Centre
5 Greentree Center Suite 117
Marlton, NJ 08053

Centrally Located

  • 10 miles from Philadelphia
  • Close to all Philadelphia - NJ bridges
  • Easy access from all major highways - NJ Turnpike, I 295 & I 95, Rt.'s 70, 30 and 73
  • Free parking lot

Nearby Airports

  • Philadelphia International 20 miles (30 mins)
  • Atlantic City International 43 miles (50 mins)
  • Newark International 73 miles (1 hr 15 mins)

Lysa Marie INK
South Tower
Five Greentree Centre
5 Greentree Center Suite 117
Marlton, NJ 08053
© 2022 Lysa Marie INK